Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 9

 ततः सुमन्त-वचनात् ऋष्यशृङ्गं सः भूपतिः |
आनीय पुत्र-कामेष्टिम् आरेभे सपुरोहितः ||  ९  ||

Thereupon Sumanta-Word-from Rishyasringa He King |
having-brought Putra-Kaameshti is-said-to-have-commenced having-the-same-priest ||

Thereupon, He (Dasaratha), the King, having brought Rishyasringa from the word of Sumanta,
is said to have commenced * Putra-Kaameshti (Sacrifice), having the same (Rishyasringa) (as) priest.

*  A sacrifice performed for the sake of begetting progeny

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 8

आसीत्-दशरथः नाम सूर्य-वंशः-अथ पार्थिवः ||
भार्याः-तिस्रः-अपि लब्ध्वा-असौ तासु लेभे न संततिम् ||  ८  ||

Abided Dasaratha named Surya Lineage-of-He then King-He |
Wives three also having-obtained He them-in is-said-to-have-obtained not progeny ||

Then abided a king named Dasaratha, of Surya Lineage |
He, having obtained 3 wives also, is said not have obtained progeny in them (those 3 wives) ||

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 7

दूषयन् वैदिकं कर्म द्विजान्-अर्दयति स्म सः |
आत्मजेन ततः युद्धे वासवं च-अपि-अपीड्यत् ||  ७  ||

Dishonouring-as-one Vedic action twice-born-ones causing-to-be-tormented was He |
Son-with thereupon war-in Vasus'-chief and also caused-to-be-hurt ||

As one dishonouring Vedic action, He (Raavana) was causing the twice-born-ones to be tormented |
And thereupon,  (he) also caused the chief of Vasus (Indra) to be hurt in war with (his) son (Indrajit) ||

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 6

मन्दोदरीं मयसुतां परिणीय दशाननः |
तस्याम् उत्पादयामास मेघनात-आह्वयं सुतम् ||  ६  ||

Mandodari Maya('s)-daughter having-married Ten-Faced-He |
Hers is-said-to-have-begotten Meghanatha-called son ||

Ten-Faced-He (Raavana), having married Maya's daughter, Mandodari,
is said to have begotten a son called Meghanatha, (who was) *hers (Mandodari's).

*  Raavana begot Meghanatha through Mandodari

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 5 - * - Get by Heart

विभीषणः विष्णु-भक्तिं वव्रे सत्व-गुण-अन्वितः |
तेभ्यः एतान् वरान् दत्वा तत्र-एव-अन्तर्दधे प्रभुः ||  ५  ||

Vibhishana Vishnu-Devotion is-said-to-have-selected-for-himself Light-Attribute-inhered-in |
Them-for these boons having-granted there itself out-of-midst said-to-have-placed Lord ||

1  Vibhishana is said to have selected 'Devotion to Lord Vishnu' for himself,
    with (the help of the) Light-Attribute (that) inhered in (him).
2  Lord Brahmaa, having granted for them (Raavana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana) these boons,
    is said to have *'placed Himself out of their midst, there itself'.

* 'placed Himself out of their midst, there itself' - disappeared therefrom there itself

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 4

रावणः  मानुषात्-अन्यैः -अवध्यत्वं तथा-अवृणोत् |
निर्देवत्व-इच्छया निद्रां कुम्भकर्णः-अवृणीत च ||  ४  ||

Raavana men-than others-by non-killing thus selected-for-himself |
Non-celestial-hood desire-from sleep Kumbhakarna selected-for-himself and ||

Raavana thus (through intense austerity) selected for himself non-killing by persons other than men.
And, Kumbhakarna, from desire for non-celestial-hood selected sleep for himself.

* non-celestial-hood desire - desire that the class of celestials shall not even exist

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 3

ते तु तीव्रेण तपसा प्रत्यक्षीकृत्य वेधसम् |
वव्रिरे च वरान्-इष्टान् अस्मात्-आश्रित-वत्सलात् ||  ३  ||

They then intense-by austerity-by manifest-having-made Creator |
Are-said-to-have-selected-for-themselves moreover boons desired this-from follower-fond-of-one-from ||

1  They (Raavana, Kumbakarna and Vibhishana),
2  having then made (Brahmaa,) the Creator manifest by (their) intense austerities,
3  moreover, are said to have selected desired boons for themselves,
4  from this (Brahmaa), who is fond of His followers.

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 2 - * - Get by Heart

पुरा विश्रवसः पुत्रः रावणः नाम राक्षसः |
आसीत्-अस्य-अनुजौ च-आस्तां कुम्भकर्ण विभीषणौ ||  २  ||

Once Vishravasa-of son Raavana named fiend |
Abided His younger-brothers-two too abided Kumbhakarna Vibhishana-and || 

Once abided a fiend named Raavana, a son of Vishravasa.
His two younger brothers, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana too, abided. 

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 1 - * - Get by Heart

यः-तु  दाशरथिः-भूत्वा रणे हत्वा च रावणम् |
ररक्ष लोकान्  वैकुण्ठः  सः  नः रक्षतु चिन्मयः ||  १  ||

He-who then Dasaratha-descendant having-become war-in having-killed and Raavana |
is-said-to-have-protected (the) worlds Vishnu He us protect-may-He of-pure-consciousness || 

He who then,-
a)  having become Dasaratha-descendant, and 
b)  having killed Raavana in war, 
is said to have protected the worlds, 
that Vishnu, of pure-consciousness, may He protect us.