Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 1 - * - Get by Heart

यः-तु  दाशरथिः-भूत्वा रणे हत्वा च रावणम् |
ररक्ष लोकान्  वैकुण्ठः  सः  नः रक्षतु चिन्मयः ||  १  ||

He-who then Dasaratha-descendant having-become war-in having-killed and Raavana |
is-said-to-have-protected (the) worlds Vishnu He us protect-may-He of-pure-consciousness || 

He who then,-
a)  having become Dasaratha-descendant, and 
b)  having killed Raavana in war, 
is said to have protected the worlds, 
that Vishnu, of pure-consciousness, may He protect us.

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