Saturday, April 2, 2011

Sri Raama Kathaa - Verse 5 - * - Get by Heart

विभीषणः विष्णु-भक्तिं वव्रे सत्व-गुण-अन्वितः |
तेभ्यः एतान् वरान् दत्वा तत्र-एव-अन्तर्दधे प्रभुः ||  ५  ||

Vibhishana Vishnu-Devotion is-said-to-have-selected-for-himself Light-Attribute-inhered-in |
Them-for these boons having-granted there itself out-of-midst said-to-have-placed Lord ||

1  Vibhishana is said to have selected 'Devotion to Lord Vishnu' for himself,
    with (the help of the) Light-Attribute (that) inhered in (him).
2  Lord Brahmaa, having granted for them (Raavana, Kumbhakarna and Vibhishana) these boons,
    is said to have *'placed Himself out of their midst, there itself'.

* 'placed Himself out of their midst, there itself' - disappeared therefrom there itself

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